Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to Maximize your monthly Earning in Logical Ways

Personally i think to be a certain level we just need to be more creative. Sepenjang pemerhatian, i rasa dah ramai dah orang dekat malaysia ni yg ada side income. tapi bukan semua orang pun boleh buat. because all of us di cipta dgn fizikal and kemampuan yg jln cerita hidup masing2 pun berbeza....i tak tau la ada org yg jln cerita die sama...huhu...nway...semua orang nk kaya kn sape tknk kaya...kaya disini bukan la bermaksud kaya raya tak tentu pasal dlm ratio Income: expenses is equal to 500%:1%. hehehe wpun melampau kn...tapi maksd yg i nk sampaikn is hidup senang la...nk pegi mana2 pun boleh tak payah fikir sgt kn..

So cth nye...dulu when i first start working...i am pressure with the commitment that i had every month. dah la baru keje...lepas tu kne bayar kete...bukan kehendak sendiri tapi terpaksa sbb masa study dulu kn my mom ni jenis yg very ambitious....die ske create benda utk anak2 die...since i belajar jauh...di utara tanah she bought me a car...than later after that she also applied ASB loan utk I so that in the future at least ada la duit I kene la continue commitment ni bile start keje...and percaya atau tidak...kete kembara cabuk yg used to be kereta wellfare kat tempat jin bertendang dulu ni dah habis bayar pun...n i pun sayang nk jual die since byk sgt memori yg tersimpan...

so sbb kn nk menepati nafsu setiap bulan biasa la women ni shopping je la plus nk byr commitment...ada la yg tersekat2 maklumlah time tu jiwa muda umur baru 21...nk ber bf la itu la ini laa...last2 terkandas jgk record cantik bayar bulan2 tu....than gatal pulak pegi sambung blajar dah tkde mmg struggle jugak dlm 2 tahun...masa tu la belajar mematang kn luckily i mmg ada jiwa asyik nk menganalyze (jgn tiru manglish yg teruk ni!!) last2 baru setahun belajar keje la balik...alhamdullillah dpt kenaikan dlm 900 thats why terima keje tu wpun master ter kontang kanting time ni la baru nk manage kewangan...tapi ada masalah baru datang...nk time ni i dh start buat budget every month..

1 year after kahwin baru la dpt mencantikkn record balik...kesimpulan nye bukan senang nk keep up balik good record. byk keburukan die kalau record pembayaran tak bagus"
1. susah nk buat loan sbb sekarang ni bank dah strict
2. Kne buang jauh2 nafsu nk bershopping
3. Kene tahan la bebelan family sbb katanye keje mcm org gile tapi tk kaya2 baju pun dok pkai baju lama
4. stesss n tertekan sbb hujung bulan jer kalut nk tutup lubang lama...duit mkn pegi keje lagi..

ada satu tahap tu mmg tk dpt nk pegi keje sbb duit mmg dh tkde lgsg...sgt kesian dgn diri sendiri..sbb tu la ambik langkah utk maximize kan total earning setiap bulan"

1. Keje Office hour. lepas tu mlm ajar tuition 2 kali seminggu
2. Keje Office hour. Lepas tu ada late night bakery. Ni penat sikit tapi lumayan
3. mcm yg org selalu buat sekarang ni Online business...berkesan jugak

Bg I la buat ape nk malu klau kite mencari rezeki yg halal..tak salah pun. Cth terbaik ialah walaupun kite businessman yang berjaya dgn business juta2....tak ada salah nye kite bawa teksi betul namanye sambil mnyelam minum air....dpt duit lebih...expenses dah ditukar jadi incume betul tak...sbb dulu klau kite pkai kete kte dari satu tempat nk ke satu tempat dah jadi expenses..sekarang klau ada teksi tk ker dh jadi income...dlm perjalan boleh la ambik org as simple as that...

orang melayu kite kadang2 suka pandang pada status....ada kawan I die mmg business juta2....tapi ada 1 time die akan pegi dusun and jual hasil harvest die kat pasar tk ada lgsg rasa malu sbb takut client or family nmpk...sbb itu keje yg once kite change mind kite...insyaallah...akan nmpk jln ke FINANCIAL FREEDOM...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hi everyone,

As i'm taking over australia account this year, i would like to introduce australian fav dessert ever...Meet my PAVLOVA....customized, adding it to be more crunchy and less sweet...also the mashmallow texture is more lively this very own double layer customized PAVLOVA.... picture above is the example picture for those who not sure which one is PAVLOVA. will upload my own PAVLOVA soon....

Monday, December 19, 2011


olla Everyone!!

YEs it s it YEAR END SALES!!!

I would like to offer a 20% discount for all item...(tarlet and my telekung travel)....
Great shopping for Everyone....DOn't miss this chance.....

FY 2012 offering....For 3rd time order will entitle for our discount wil get 20% discount for a life timeee......HAPPY SHOPPING EVERYONE...


Thursday, November 17, 2011


Presenting new stock Telekung travel cotton (praying attire) coming in this week. all color are available. PRICE is RM55 each. postage is RM7 for all location around penisular Malaysia and RM10 for Sabah and Sarawak. For worldwide delivery please contact me for details. THanks guys!! HAPPY SHOPPING!!

01-heavenly blue

02- mustard dream

03- orangie galore

04-milo lover

05-super hot white blue

06-posh pink

07-super hot white pink

08-mother nature

09- deep purple

and more color: Peachy peach, Pure Turqouise. sorry i don't have the picture

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

From Farhana with love : Tartlet Order.

1. Wanne 1 box - Raya Haji - delivered
2. My ibu 1 box - Raya Haji -delivered
3. My Mak 1 box - Raya Haji - delivered
4. Amy Gombak 30 pcs - 26th Nov
5. lini sek men wangsa melawati - 50 pcs - delivered
6. Anis Ampang puteri hospital - 18th nov

1. Wanne 1 box - 25 dec engagement
2. Kak effa 1 box - 1 dec house warming

Thanks everyone!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Fruit tart, Blueberry cheese tart, and choc Banana Tart

Hi fella,

fruit tarts is available now!!!secret recipe. always be everyone favorites. selling very cheap. ONLY RM1 per piece. You will get 1ST CLASS SERVICE/TASTE WITH 3RD CLASS PRICE. hehehe...please taste to believe with our introduction pack..RM5 each. All is by "FROM FARHANA WITH LOVE" will love it!!

flavor available:

1. Fruit Tartlet: Delicious curtard cream, top with fresh variety of fruits, glaze with special jam on top

2. Choc Banana Tartlet : Heart breaking choc cream, top with banana, and glaze with sugar...torched..
3. Blueberry cheese Tarlet : my very own mouth bestest friend special cheese cream with blueberry jam mozac style top with blueberry...

Don't miss you chance to put this into your mouth.....can send an email, sms or call me anytime. 0175608419.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Telekung Travel Cotton For Grabb!!

Please have a look at my new telekung travel available now for grab. kalau berminat boleh terus hubungi saya di 0175608419 or email at Details adalah seperti di bawah:

Kuantiti 1-4 telekung travel Cotton (TTC) - RM55
Kuantiti 5 keatas Telekung travel COtton (TTC) - RM45

Harga pos bergantung kepada kuantiti. kalau COB boleh dibincang. details product seperti berikut:

TTC material - Cotton Japan
beg: disediakan, warna beg sama seperti warna telekung.
Saiz: Saiz telekung adalah saiz biasa